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Patent and Trademark Attorney
Dipl.-Eng., Lawyer
Address: Shartava St., 18, Apt. 15, 0160 Tbilisi, Georgia
Cell: +995 599 54 08 07
Tel.: +995 322 93 89 96; +995 322 37 48 49
E-mail: info@patent-attorney.ge, imnadze@patent-attorney.ge
Website: patent-attorney.ge
Khatuna Imnadze studied engineering at the Dresden Technical University in Germany and graduated Studies of Law at the Tbilisi State University of Georgia. 1980-1992 she was working at the Georgian branch of the Soviet Union Patent Center. Since 1992 she is registered Patent Attorney of Georgia (#008) and since 2006 she works also as a lawyer. Khatuna Imnadze is a Member of the Georgian Bar Association (GBA) and Member of the German Association of Patent Attorneys (VPP). Her working languages are: Georgian, German, English and Russian.