Patent and Trademark Attorney
Address: 56, Sulkhan Tsintsadze Str. , Apt. 36, Tbilisi 0160, Georgia
Cell: + 995 599 975 043
Tel.: + 995 322 367 233
Fax: + 995 322 367 228
1966-1971 - Tbilisi State University, faculty of cybernetics and applied mathematics; Specialization- biologic cybernetics. Received a basic education in physics, including experimental physics, organic chemistry and electrochemistry, biochemistry and biophysics, studied general principles of computer equipment.
1971-1974 - Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Cybernetics - postgraduate study; Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences (Doctor of Technical Sciences); Specialty - computer hardware devices.
1978-1980 - Institute of Patent Sciences of Georgia; Specialty - Patent examination;
1981-1983 - Study course in various sectoral departments of Patent Offices of former Soviet Union.
1975-1982 - Head of Patent Department of the Cybernetics Institute under the Georgian National Academy of Sciences. During this period has gained wide practical experience in identification of the invention, drawing up the patent application, correspondence with an expert, drawing up appeals, considering the appeals. The inventions belonged to physics, radio physics, computer - technical equipment, optic equipment, and other technical fields;
Since 1993 - Registered at "Sakpatenti" as the Patent Attorney;
Since 1993 - Established GVARAMADZE PATENT BUREAU.
Additional Information:
1981-1989 - Deputy Head, later Head of the permanent conference of Patent Sciences organized by Cybernetics Institute of former Soviet Union. Within this period has published various scientific works as the conference attendee;
1989-1991 - Participated in drawing up the legislative acts concerning Intellectual property at the Ministry of Science and New technologies of Georgia;
Since 1998 - Member of AIPPI ;
Since 2005 - President of National AIPPI Group of Georgia - participation in International conferences concerning IP protection - INTA, AIPPI, ECTA, MARKS etc.
English - fluent
Russian - fluent